Thursday, 27 November 2014

A few important reasons for separate High Court Bench for Barak Valley region

A few important reasons for separate High Court Bench for Barak Valley region are given below :-
1. The High Court for Assam i.e. Gauhati High Court is situated at Guwahati which is about 350 K.M. from Silchar the main city of Barak Valley, and is far more distant from other parts of Barak Valley wherefrom people are required to go to Guwahati for High Court matters.
2. The road communication from Barak Valley to Guwahati is very bad through the hills of Meghalaya State and the rail communication by single route meter gauge rail line via Lumding Junction in Dima Hasao District of Assam is equally tough & tiring. The distance from Silchar Railway Station to Lumding Railway Junction of 184 KM is covered in approximately 12 hours by train. It is almost 20 hours tedious journey to Guwahati. Further, during rainy seasons spread over almost 7 to 8 months a year, the communication-both rail and road, remains snapped and uncertain due to landslide and other associated rain hazards. Air journey from Silchar to Guwahati is beyond the reach of the common people.
3. Apart from the difficulties of journey to and from Guwahati as mentioned, it is very costly in comparison to cost of journey for similar distances elsewhere in the country deterring the poor litigants of this region to go to Guwahati to file and prosecute cases in the High Court.
4. Barak Valley, alongwith many other drawbacks, is economically backward also, for which the common people are unable to bear the extra heavy cost of this long ,to and fro journey and stay at Guwahati.
5. On and average, more than half of the total cases pending and filed in Gauhati High Court are by the people from this region and therefore, in the event of setting up of a separate bench here, not only this huge number of legally conscious litigants will be benefited but also the rate of filing of cases in High Court from this region will shoot up.
6. Hundreds of people are languishing in Jail here due to lack of Appeal facility locally or in other words for non-availability of separate bench here.
7.The Barak Valley’s lingua-franca is not generally understood in Guwahati.
8. For absence of a separate bench here, people are finding it tough, for reasons stated above, to protect their vital legal and constitutional rights.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

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Sunday, 9 November 2014


My another Article published in today's Dainik Jugasankha page-6 পড়তে ক্লিক করুন:-